Welcome to BlueHome.Net

Your trusted email host. Find your email client settings and support here.

Email Client Settings

Your mail program will usually detect the necessary settings automatically once you enter your email address and password. However, if you need to set it up manually, you can use the settings provided below. Be sure to replace the placeholders with your actual username and password, but leave the server names unchanged. Don't forget to enable encryption (SSL/TLS).

To manually configure your email client, use the following settings:

Type Port
IMAP 143 (STARTTLS) or 993 (TLS/SSL)
POP 110 (STARTTLS) or 995 (TLS/SSL)
SMTP 587 (STARTTLS) or 465 (TLS/SSL)

Understanding STARTTLS and Dedicated Ports

When manually setting up your email program, you may encounter two different methods for securing your connection: STARTTLS and dedicated SSL/TLS ports.

Both STARTTLS and dedicated ports provide a secure encrypted connection, and there's no significant difference in the level of security they offer. The choice often depends on what your email program supports.

If your email program only supports one option: Use the available option. If your email program supports both options, use either one. Both methods will safeguard your connection.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Email: support@bluehome.net

Webmail: Login to Webmail